Here you will find our collections dedicated to professionals looking to personalize scratch-off tickets with their branding. Each collection includes nearly ready-made tickets, for which the customer only needs to adapt certain elements to their business, such as contact information, logo, or the prizes to be offered. We regularly add new collections based on our customers' requests.

A Variety of Themes for All Activities

Our scratch-off ticket collections are categorized by theme to simplify your search. We offer a wide range of themes, from "Leisure" to "DIY," including "Beverages," "Food Service," "Sports," "Black Friday," and "Spirituality." We also have themes for special occasions like weddings, birthdays, and year-end celebrations, such as "Wedding," "Birthday," "Thank You," and "Christmas." For the more creative customers, we also provide blank templates if you prefer to start from scratch.

Customizable Scratch-Off Tickets

Our scratch-off ticket collections are designed to be user-friendly. Some tickets have a simple gray scratch-off area, while others feature a full-color scratch-off area, offering a wide range of design possibilities and an ultra-professional look. Customers can also personalize the prizes to be offered by choosing the quantity and type of prizes they want to provide.

High-Quality Professional Scratch-Off Tickets

Scratcher takes pride in providing high-quality professional scratch-off tickets to its customers. Our expertise in the field allows us to offer unique designs and features, such as full-color scratch-off areas. We guarantee impeccable results with the professional printing quality you expect.

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